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I just saw that your ratings and comments weren't saved from the Fxxk Capitalism 2024 Jam, and I wanted to offer my condolences!

I mean it helped me out because it put me one place higher (no way my entry was topping you all!), but in all seriousness I'm really disappointed we don't get to see where you all finished. My prediction was top 3.

I'm following the project and interested to see how it develops!


Nice work! Interesting story, great artwork, intriguing world. I'm looking forward to trying the exe version as the web version did run a bit slow for me. (due to my aged laptop or wifi, most likely).
Did notice some typos as you predicted, lol, but it's amazing quality for being put together in just two weeks!


Thank you very much for playing and writing such a nice comment! :)

We are sorry about your poor experience with the browser versionā€¦ :/ As mentionned in the description, we are already working on a patch (it is almost complete) but we need to wait the end of the Narrative Design Awards 2024 to upload it.


The .exe version is up! :3 Enjoy <3


Nice, thanks!